Green bags: Carry fortune and luck with you

According to fengshui, or ancient Chinese philosophy, green is the color that connects with spring, wood and windy weather. It stands for a strong life force that will revitalize the old and rejuvenate the dead.
In Tibetan Buddhism, Green Tara, a very honorable bodhisattva, also has a completely green body. It is believed the bodhisattva can bring people fortune, beauty and a bright future. To those who feel confused about their life, chanting the Green Tara mantra, "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha", is said to deliver them from desolation.

Bags of this color again have become a highlight in various spring and summer fashion shows for 2018. Many celebrities and models are carrying them in public.
If you are also fond of this color and want good luck in the new year, give a green bag a try.