Chinese musicians, fans mourn Cranberries singer O'Riordan

In 2017, The Cranberries had to cancel their China tour due to a "back problem" O'Riordan had. The band apologized to fans and wrote they were disappointed in the turn of events.
"Thanks for the many good wishes to Dolores posted on our social pages since the announcement of the cancellation of all our summer shows up to mid-August due to her ongoing back problems," the band wrote on their Sina Weibo account June 19.
The band opened their Sina Weibo account, which has nearly 90,000 followers, before they came to China in 2011.
"I visited Dolores in Limerick, who was recovering from back problems. Along with Dolores and Noel, the guitarist of the band, we talked a lot about the past and future. Dolores is almost recovered and she hoped to return to China in November. She loves China," wrote renowned Chinese singer-songwriter Gao Xiaosong Sept 3, on his Sina Weibo account with more than 40 million followers.