If Treasures Could Talk: What would Liangzhu Jade Cong King say?

The series If Treasures Could Talk was a hit across China, inspiring many young viewers to learn more about their country's past. Today, we present to you the Liangzhu Jade Cong King.
Peering at us from the murky dawn of human existence, the eyes engraved on the Liangzhu Jade Cong King hint at our ancient ancestors' loves, fears and their beliefs.
Five thousand years ago, an advanced culture flourished in the Lake Taihu area of eastern China. There were towns, tombs, altars, villages, barracks, irrigation works and jade workshops.
Excavation of the site began in 1936. In the course of the following eighty years, the most important find it has yielded is this Jade Cong.
A Cong is a tubular vessel contained within a rectangular body. This one, weighing 6.5 kilos, and with a height of 8.9 centimeters and a diameter of 17.6 centimeters, is known as the "Jade Cong King".