Ways to tackle waste

Rethinking packaging
Three China University of Mining and Technology sophomores are seeking to redesign consumer goods' packaging to promote reuse.
They are applying double-sided tape to packages' opening ends so people who buy products can reuse the bags as garbage sacks.
"Even if it's reused only once, that's still one more trash bag we don't have to manufacture and throw away," 22-year-old team leader Duan Haodi says.
Duan's team believes packaging has advertising value and can convey environmental messages.
"We use packaged consumer goods every day," Duan says.
"We can use packages' marketing power to cultivate eco-friendly habits among consumers."
The team also hopes to establish an eco-alliance of consumer-goods companies that use the "OK bag". The more companies and brands that join, the more people will be accustomed to reuse, Duan adds.
The team has yet to reach out to companies to promote their design.
Many businesses have tried to make packaging more environmentally friendly.
KFC tested edible, chocolate-lined coffee cups in select UK restaurants in 2015. And Chinese start-up Yiside developed a new express-delivery box that's easier to recycle because it minimizes tape and plastic use.
Research shows consumers prefer green packaging.
A 2008 study by the Helsinki School of Economics shows one-third of 330 beverage consumers surveyed favor environmentally labeled packaging over other attributes when making purchasing decisions.