China Design honored at Mexican culture festival

China and Beijing are being honored in Mexico as part of the tenth anniversary Mexico City International Amity and Culture Exhibition.
Two major events, the China Design, Culture and Life Experience exhibition and the Beijing Cultural & Creative Week will be held during the festivities.
The exhibition held its opening ceremony on May 17, and presented around 100 items and artworks created by 15 Chinese designers.
Jose Ramon Amieva, mayor of Mexico City, said at the opening ceremony that the exhibition was representative of China's contemporary design language, and that he hoped more Mexicans would take the opportunity to learn about Chinese culture and philosophy through the exhibition.
The exhibition was organized by Beijing International Design Week and curated by Xu Ping, professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Lin Cunzhen, designer of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Beijing Paralympic Winter Games logos.
Collecting elements from Chinese philosophy and conception of nature to create the designs, the exhibition displays pieces including china, furniture, and jewelry from eminent Chinese designers that include the likes of Teng Fei, Han Wenqiang and Zhong Sheng.
Beijing Cultural & Creative Week will take place between June 12 and 16 in Mexico, and will include events, performances and networking opportunities for cultural & creative companies.