Fresh eye for inspiration

Roving chef Liu Xin is happiest when he's traveling the world looking for ideas for his clients' menus and his new Chinese fusion restaurant in Toronto, Li Yingxue reports.
As dirty bread and dirty tea have become a recent new trend among Beijing's young people, a new chicken dish has recently joined the "dirty" team.
This time the "dirty" part does not come from the addition of chocolate powder. Instead, chef Liu Xin uses cumin, pepper and edible activated charcoal to darken his newest culinary offering.
It's one of the dishes on U Cafe's new menu created by Liu, a selection of specialties designed to showcase his own take on contemporary Chinese fusion cuisine.
"I want to create a range of Chinese dishes that both Chinese and people from overseas will enjoy, which feature Chinese flavors but in a style that's attractive to foreigners," says Liu.
"I think the menu I designed will become a trend in the capital that will continue for a few years."