Experts urge further cooperation among NGOs in Lancang-Mekong region

Experts highlighted the importance of the non-governmental organizations in helping maintain the sustainable development of the Lancang-Mekong cooperation mechanism, at the Civil Society Forum in theme of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in the Lancang-Mekong Region organized by China Association for NGO Cooperation in Kunming, Yunnan province on Nov 23.
They also proposed detailed guidance for NGOs to improve work efficiency and shared tips on how NGOs can enlarge their international influence.
The forum was co-organized by the Yunnan International Non-Governmental Organization Society and Kunming ASEAN International Trade and Investment Promotion Association, sponsored by the Environmental Defense Fund Beijing Representative Office and attracted over 100 experts and representatives from the six countries in the Lancang-Mekong region: Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China.

Civil Society Forum in theme of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in the Lancang-Mekong Region was organized by China Association for NGO Cooperation in Kunming, Yunnan province on Nov 23. [Photo/Bu Yingna]
In the opening ceremony, Xu Tao, chairman, China Association for NGO Cooperation, shared the achievements of the China Association for NGO Cooperation. He said in the 25 years since establishment, the organization has established cooperation with 183 international NGOs and multi-bilateral mechanisms, more than 100 of which have provided 974 million yuan ($140 milliion) to China. Over 8 million people have directly benefited from the related aid.
By mentioning the problems of poverty and climate change, Saroeun, said the region is a community with a shared future, and added that NGOs should discuss together on how the region should be governed.
"We drink the same water, and we also face up to the same challenges,” said Soeung Saroeun, executive director, Cooperation Committee for Cambodia. He encouraged NGOs to share experience with each other. For example, "NGOs in the other five countries can learn the experience of reform and anti-corruption from China."
In his speech, Chen Jian, former vice-minister at the Ministry of Commerce stressed the essential role of the NGOs in the regional cooperation.
"I think the role that the NGOs have played in the Lancang-Mekong cooperation is irreplaceable."
When answering the question of how the NGOs can work more efficiently, he suggested that NGOs in the region should establish corresponding mechanisms to clarify priorities, grasp development trends and set up principles for cooperation. Especially, he emphasized that the principles must be specific rather than general.