A traveling musician

In her days in Tokyo, she often performed with musicians from all over the world. However, she now travels to absorb, and get inspired by traditional ethnic customs and music.
"Now, I write travel log and compile music based on those experiences," she says.
Luo says she is working on her next album, and is hoping to add more Chinese ethnic elements to her work.
For Luo, it is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books.
"Knowledge from the books is always going to be limited, and, if you can, I would suggest get a firsthand experience," she says.
Although her job at Ctrip entails lots of routine work, Luo believes it is meaningful for her.
"At the moment, the Chinese are at the receiving end of considerable prejudice, and I hope my job can make Japanese hotels better understand Chinese enterprises and people, thus endearing China to the Japanese," she says.
"If things go this way in the long run, Chinese tourists will enjoy better services and experiences in Japan, while more Japanese tourists might travel in China."
She says her ultimate goal is to help the world better understand China.