Juice up

How many flavors do you offer today?
Today, we have a collection of 38. For example, we make four tomato juices: a tomato juice that's a mixture of three red tomatoes, a Green Zebra in green, a pineapple tomato juice and a black tomato juice from Crimea. We also have three peach flavors from the vine peach, the white peach and the yellow peach. We have the exotic fruit juices, as well as the grapes collection: a collection of five vinifying grape varieties. Sauvignon and chardonnay are for the whites, then we made a rosé with a cabernet accompanied by a short pellicular maceration.
Today, do you still consider yourself as much of a craftsman as you were in 1997 or are you halfway to becoming a businessman?
I have never thought of myself as a craftsman because to make a good fruit juice, you need very precise, ultra-special technology. If you ever are in the Rh?ne Valley, visit the factory. It's a pile of stainless steel and messy probes going in all directions, with impressive computer assistance simply because the fruit has an enemy: oxygen! To avoid oxidation, it's necessary to go very fast, to be very precise, and to manage cooking and pasteurisation very well.