The late birds get the world

They are thus taking the opportunity to cash in on the it's-never-too-late-to-learn era spawned by the internet, and by turns embraced the-world-isyour-oyster ideal resulting from China's reform and opening-up process that has been running for 40 years.
Among those of their age they may even come across as hipsters, as adept at using a smartphone to book and pay for independent travel to some far-off exotic location as using it to find a local restaurant or to pay for their groceries.
As an experienced independent traveler Li records the couple's journeys on the tourism website Mafengwo. That means not only that months or years down the track they can reminisce on a certain trip by poring over old photos, tickets and receipts, but that other Mafengwo users can take a peek at the same memorabilia and be inspired to undertake the same kinds of adventures.