Revitalizing village through art

With Wang acting as the producer and Hung as the director and narrator, the documentary project will run through May when an arts festival kicks off in Xiayuan, better known as the Xiayuan Artists Village for Tourists.
"Besides my work in the media and fashion industries, I will pay visits to fellow villagers and resident-artists and dig out their interesting stories," Hung said.
The documentary project has got warm support from the villagers and the resident-artists. Some even delivered improvised music at the news briefing while some others sent warm welcome.
"Living in Xiayuan gives one inner peace," said Zhao Gang, one of the resident-artists who attended the news briefing. "Come and become a villager at least for one day and I am sure you will fall in love with our village."
Xiayuan has been welcoming visitors since 2003. Many artists open their studios every day from 2-4:30 pm since May 2003. Tourists may spend their time enjoying art, music, food and culture and talking with local farmers and artists, said Lao La, a resident-artist who creates oil paintings and operates a popular restaurant.