China and US must counter 'political virus'

Both countries have to work together to combat outbreak, says Beijing envoy
Prevention, control and people's well-being are China's top priorities in the fight against novel coronavirus, and Beijing and Washington should guard against attempts to decouple their relationship in the current situation, says Cui Tiankai, China's ambassador to the United States.
Cui made the remarks at the Forum on US-China Relations hosted by the University of California in San Diego on Saturday, which bought together leaders from various sectors.
"We are doing whatever we can and using whatever means we have to curb the spread of the disease and cure the people affected," Cui said.
"There is such shared determination and unity in China from the top leadership to the grassroots, from medical professionals to the average person."
Cui expressed his pride in China and his compatriots. China is confident that it can win the battle against the disease, he said, and that the country will emerge from the challenge better and stronger.
"At the same time, I suggest that we should guard against any political virus that prevents China and the US from joining hands to counter their common challenges.
"There may be someone who tries to get political and economic gains from the current situation to push for the decoupling of our peoples. Such an attempt goes against the spirit of humanitarianism and the common interests of our people. It should be firmly rejected by all of us."
On Saturday the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco, Wang Donghua, briefed the local community on the latest developments on the novel coronavirus in China and counseled against panic.
The Chinese government puts people's life, health and safety above everything else and has taken the most comprehensive and rigorous measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus, he said, including locking down the city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.
"I will say that many of the measures the Chinese have taken go well beyond the international health regulations of the World Health Organization. With those measures in place, the outbreak of the virus is being curbed and the progress is being made each passing day."

The pathogen of the novel coronavirus was identified in a record short time, and the development of a vaccine, as well as diagnosis and treatment were being accelerated in China, he said.
The number of patients who have recovered from the virus is increasing, showing that it is "preventable, controllable and curable", he said.
"It is a source of concern but not a source of fear, and there is no reason for overreaction or panicking."
Measures taken by China, especially quarantining Wuhan, reflects China's dedication as a responsible country, he said.
"We have been communicating and collaborating with WHO and other countries, including the US, in an open, transparent and responsible manner."
China passed on information about the virus, including the genome sequence, in a timely manner, because China understands the importance of such information in fighting "the common devil "of mankind, he said.
Stephen Hadley, national security adviser to president George W.Bush from 2005 to 2009, said the coronavirus is a good opportunity for a positive turn in the relationship between the two countries.
"This is a terrific opportunity if the US will visibly offer assistance to China in dealing with this problem, because this is the frontline of a threat to the entire world, and it's in our interest to try to get this stop as far as we can.
"I would hope that our government, private sectors, charitable foundations, all the rest, would be very forward leaning in trying to help China."
Although most of the coronavirus cases are in China, more than 100 infections have been reported in more than 20 other countries, including Australia, Germany and Malaysia. On Sunday the Philippines reported the first death from the virus outside China.
The US confirmed its eighth coronavirus case on Saturday, and the Pentagon offered to provide housing to people arriving from overseas who may need to be quarantined.
Japan's health ministry confirmed on Saturday an additional three coronavirus cases among evacuees from Wuhan, bringing the country's total number of reported cases to 20.
China and the US have continued to work closely together since the outbreak of the virus, Wang said.
"I think at this difficult time it's important for members of the international community to remain united in their fight against the coronavirus.
"We call on members of the international community to make an accurate and objective assessment of the situation."
Chen Yingqun and agencies contributed to this story.