French photographer captures Beijing street scenes in unusual time

Tranquility arguably ranks among Beijingers' most sought-after luxuries as the metropolis always buzzes with energy.
But the coronavirus outbreak starting in late January has temporarily put a halt on life in Beijing. Then tranquility descends upon the Chinese capital as millions hide in a cocoon of comfort, boredom, as well as anxiety in their homes.
Few can really have the chance to see a rare side of the big city.
Pierre Alivon, a photographer from Paris, is among the few who are free from the runaway cabin fever and he set out to capture Beijing's street scenes in a fresh light.
Despite the risks, the photographer sticks to a daily routine – carrying his Leica to shoot in the streets, hoping to "make a daily report of life in Beijing", a project he's been doing since September 2015, one month after he moved to China.