Chinese bronze artwork exhibition held in Houston

An exhibition of ancient Chinese bronze artwork is open to public on Saturday at Asia Society Texas Center (ASTC) in Houston, Texas, the US.
The exhibition, named Eternal Offering: Chinese Ritual Bronzes, showcases around 100 pieces of ritual artworks which can date back to as early as 1600 BC.
The objects on display are not only serving objects and animal shapes, but also weapons and musical instruments. The exhibition thoughtfully puts bronze objects side by side with later artworks, such as jade, ceramics and cloisonne that were inspired by the Bronze Age.
Digital media will also be provided illustrating the process of casting the bronzes. The exhibition will run through Aug 9.

ASTC curator Bridget Bray told Xinhua in a recent interview that ASTC is willing to help local people become better informed about Asian arts and culture through this kind of exhibition.
"We hope that by being able to come to Asia Society and visit an exhibition, you can learn something about China and be better informed and hopefully be a more global citizen," she said.
Aware that China is making every effort in combatong the novel coronavirus disease, Bray said it's good for the Chinese to know they have friends around the world who care about the support them.