World CEOs optimistic about China's economic outlook

Caroline Wu, managing director of Maersk Greater China
The Chinese government has made enormous efforts and taken unprecedented measures, so the epidemic is coming under control. Maersk will closely monitor the situation and we will do whatever we can to help China and our customers.
After the outbreak of the coronavirus, our thoughts are with our employees, customers, and all people in China. A.P. Moller-Maersk, together with its brands, has actively taken initiatives to provide support to China. We have recently donated face masks, protective clothes and other relief resources to Hubei province and we will continue procuring and delivering relief supplies from across the world to the epidemic center.
At the same time, we are also using our transport and logistics expertise to support a number of our clients (such as Amazon) by facilitating the delivery of medical supplies for the affected areas.
Our affiliate company-OceanEast, also provides free import customs clearance and relevant warehousing and distribution services for imported international medical materials, assisting customers to fasten the speed of transporting the urgently needed goods. Meanwhile, we provide tailor-made logistics solutions (such as airfreight, sea-rail, intercontinental rail etc.) to mitigate the impact of our customers' supply chain. Maersk will closely monitor the situation and we will do whatever we can to help China and our customers.