Tales of history get a dash of modern color

The book's Chinese editor Lu Yaping had the most fun reading the column My Favorite Mistakes, where language learners confuse the expression for "left" with "dead", and "young man" with "little monkey".
Beck has more than 20 years' experience living and working in China. Beck and his co-authors are "masters of storytelling", said Shi Lingkong, chief editor of STPH, at the book launch which took place at Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai on Dec 11.
Beck explored a new angle to interpret Chinese culture, Shi says. "The books contain many cultural references that will bring about a smile on Chinese and Westerners' faces alike."
According to Shi, the project was launched in 2018, with the publication of Limited Views on The Chinese Renaissance by French columnist David Gosset, which consisted of a collection of essays on the author's observation for contemporary China.
While the China Simplified series will break down lots of barriers for Westerners interested in Chinese culture and language, the books also provide new perspectives for Chinese readers to view their own culture. "It is entertaining and enlightening at the same time," Shi says.