National Library of China to open partially

The National Library of China announced on May 8 it will partiatially resume operation on May 12.
Only southern section of the main venue of the library (33 Zhongguancun Nandajie) will first reopen while the rest of library will remain closed, including the National Museum of Classic Books.
The library will remain closed on Mondays during COVID-19 situation. A daily quota for readers entering the venue will be 600-1,200 from 9 am to noon and 600 from 1-4 pm. Reservation with real name, up to three days in advance, is needed via WeChat or telephone.
Readers who want to borrow books from the library will need to reserve them online, after which they can pick up the book within two days.
The late charge for not returning books from Jan 24, when the library was closed for COVID-19, until June 12, will be waived.
QR codes proving health condition will be needed for entry and body temperature will be taken.
More information can be found on the official English-language website of the