Summertime and the cookin' is easy

Zesty Fruit Salad
Call me crazy, but I love being in Hong Kong during the summer. Sure, the temperature often climbs into the 30s and stays there well into the night, and the humidity can be oppressive at times – but the taxi queues are shorter, the traffic is lighter and it's easier to get a table at a decent hour at your favourite restaurant. Summer is also a great time for getting together with friends and family, whether it be for a rooftop barbecue or a potluck outing in one of the country parks. If you're looking to up your dessert offering from the standard sliced watermelon (not that watermelon is bad, but it's not exactly very fancy) and you don't want to spend all day in the kitchen getting something ready, look no further than this deliciously zesty fruit salad, made with poppyseeds. Everyone will love the hit the ginger adds to the citrus and honey flavours. Bon appetit!
? 1 medium lemon
? 1 lime
? 1 navel orange
? 60ml honey
? ? tsp fresh ginger, grated
? ? tsp poppyseeds
Wash and dry the lemon, lime and orange. Zest the fruit with a zester or fine grater. Cut each fruit in half and squeeze the juice into a cup. Add the zest, honey, ginger and poppyseeds, and whisk together until combined. Refrigerate.
? 3 navel oranges, peeled and sectioned
? 1 pineapple
? 5 kiwis
? 3 mangoes
? 250g strawberries
? 125g blueberries
Cut the fruit into bite-size chunks and place in a large bowl. Chill in the refrigerator for at least two hours (because no one likes to eat warm fruit salad). About 30 minutes before serving, pour the dressing over the fruit and gently toss to coat.