A place where the millennial history of ancient Azerbaijan lives-Gamigaya monument

The land of Nakhchivan,one of the oldest living and cultural centers of Azerbaijan, is rich in ancient monuments, settlements, magnificent castles, petroglyphs and stone ram statues that vividly reflect the historical past of mankind.In this sense, the monument Gamigaya, which witnessed the millennial history of Nakhchivan, attracts more attention. According to an ancient legend, after the end of the World Storm, The Prophet Noah's ark stopped exactly on this mountain.
This is one of the reasons why it is called "Gamigaya". As reported by the legend, the new inhabitants of the world spread from Gamigaya, and then from Nakhchivan to other countries and continents.So, this place also embodies the love of the peoples of the world for the land, the Earth, peace, coexistence, solidarity and life.
Located in Ordubad region of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan, Gamigaya is one of the oldest human settlements in the world.These monuments are located northeast of Tivi and Nasirvaz villages of the region, at an altitude of 3000-3500 meters above sea level in the Lesser Caucasus. Pictographic inscriptions on the stones were recorded in Garangush, Gamisholan and Nabiyurdu pastures.