A place where the millennial history of ancient Azerbaijan lives-Gamigaya monument

Gamigaya is a very rich and valuable source for studying the history of ethnogenesis of our people
Gamigaya's petroglyphs are very rich and valuable sources for the study of the ancient history, material and spiritual culture, art, as well as the history of ethnogenesis of Azerbaijan.One example is enough to show. Thus, the stone number 252 in Gamigaya depicts the attack of a wolf on a goat, or rather, the ritual of "closing the wolf's mouth", which is still preserved in Azerbaijani folklore and ethnography and performed by cattle-breeders. In connection with this, a long line (rope) was drawn between the wolf and the goat, which were facing to each-other.
Ethnographic research shows that during the performance of the "wolf's mouth shut" spell, the goat which is ready to shave is tied with a rope or twine. This scene from the Bronze Age on Gamigaya depicts the scene in almost all its essence.
Gamigaya's petroglyphs not only demonstrate the connection of Azerbaijani folklore to the Bronze Age thousands of years ago, but also provide relevant facts for the study of the history of its ethnogenesis. The subject of these petroglyphs, which are characterized by the complexity of the plot-composition, is dedicated to the beliefs and labor activities of our ancestors, the economic life of hunter, cattle and farmer tribes. Gamigaya's rock petroglyphs include paintings depicting holiday ceremonies, as well as various astronomical and geographical paintings.