What's on

A night of violins
Violinist Lyu Siqing will give a recital featuring music works by Beethoven, marking the German composer's 250th anniversary this year. Programs will include Violin Sonata No 3 in E-flat major, Violin Sonata No 5 in F major and Violin Sonata No 7 in C minor. One of the most prominent and influential Chinese violinists today, Lyu, born and raised in Qingdao, Shandong province, was the first Asian violinist to win the first prize at the prestigious Paganini International Violin Competition in Italy in 1987.
7:30 pm, Nov 13. National Center for the Performing Arts. No 2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng district, Beijing. 010-6655-0000.
Making overtures
China's NCPA Orchestra will perform, under the baton of conductor Lyu Jia, German composer Ludwig van Beethoven's musical works, including the overture to Die Geschopfe des Prometheus, the overture to Fidelio, and Incidental Music to Goethe's Egmont. Soprano Yuanming will join in the performances.
7:30 pm, Nov 12 and 14. National Center for the Performing Arts. No 2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng district, Beijing.010-6655-0000.