'Dual circulation' to boost growth (I)

A1: SUEZ was impacted by the pandemic during the first half of last year. However, in China, we've now largely recovered from this slump, thanks to the Chinese government's quick reaction and effective measures. By leveraging our local advantage, our China team has been supporting the global group to source personal protective equipment for our employees worldwide since the very beginning of the epidemic. Our experience in China proved very useful for other countries to emulate, in their response to COVID-19, and to any future consequences of the pandemic. China is a market we first committed ourselves to 45 years ago. There's no doubt that China will remain the strongest growth market of the group.
A2: SUEZ firmly believes that China, as the world's largest developing country, is a key contributor to global ecological progress. We see China acting as a responsible major stakeholder, with a vision to tackle climate change. This will surely provide companies such as SUEZ with more opportunities to introduce our global expertise and solutions to support China in reaching its ambitious environmental goals.
We are implementing our group's 10-year global strategic plan - "Shaping SUEZ 2030". We are determined to increase by 50 percent our investment in R&D, innovation and digitalization by 2023, so as to bring more innovative and customized solutions to help China, as well as countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative to achieve their ambitious environmental goals.
A3: Among these, major interest for SUEZ include endeavor to have carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2030, achieving carbon neutrality before 2060, with nature being central to the solution and lowering carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by over 65 percent from 2005 levels. We also aspire to reduce emissions, coming from our own activities, by 45 percent by 2030 and strive to become carbon neutral by 2050.
A4: As the forerunner in controlling COVID, we recognize that the Chinese government pays close attention to the environment and the health and safety of its people. The government has included many additional targets for environmental improvement. This is the strongest indicator yet that the country's 14th Five-Year Plan will prioritize qualitative environmental outcomes over quantitative economic metrics. We are keen to apply our global expertise and technology to the Chinese context, to help local authorities and industrial clients develop innovative solutions for climate change and sustainable resource management.
A5: China is about to embark on the 14th Five-Year Plan, yet another milestone in its development process. The country now faces more sophisticated environmental challenges than before. Its goals and actions are much clearer. We are convinced that China will continue to grow stronger as a responsible stakeholder in global climate governance and as one of the most technologically advanced countries. Environmental companies such as SUEZ will play an important role in promoting green transformation and driving sustainable, healthy economic development. This also fully mirrors our global strategy toward three priority areas: expanding our footprint in international markets, especially in China; increasing our engagement with industrial customers; and launching more digitally advanced solutions.
A6: In the past decade, China has been continually changing, driving new growth models with new philosophies. Governments at both central and local level have made environment protection part of their development agenda, and they are vigorously promoting a green and circular economy.
SUEZ's development journey in China reflects not only how foreign companies have been driving China's progress toward a circular economy, but also how China's approach to the environment sector has evolved. We see the growing importance the Chinese government attaches to environment protection and the growth opportunities it provides for foreign companies in China. Such trends are bound to endure, well into the future.
A7: I understand China is expecting quick improvements in the environment, so we have to continually adapt our business model to keep pace with these. I believe that this country offers SUEZ many opportunities to develop.
The technologies and experience we have within the SUEZ Group are very much aligned to meet all these ambitions and to support China in reaching its growth goals.