Comedians stand and deliver laughs

She said that in January she had the chance to perform in a standup comedy show that included a sketch with Xiao Lu.
Fan said: "She is very funny. While chatting, I let everybody who is present talk or tell some jokes, encouraging a creative atmosphere.
"Xiao Lu is very natural and I decided that I wanted to become a standup comedian one day and perform onstage, as she does."
In March 2018, Fan signed up for a class at a comedy school, where she learned how to write punch lines.
She was attracted by the relaxed environment at the school, and the following month she attended open-mic nights to perform her own material.
"Initially, I didn't choose to become a full-time comedian. I lacked confidence and thought that I didn't win enough applause at open-mic nights," she said.
In July 2018, Fan started work at a public institution in Beijing related to her graduate major. She was extremely busy and seldom had the time to write jokes.
"I basically had little time for rest in 2019, but weekend gigs rejuvenated me. When I took the stage, I felt I was escaping my routine life," Fan said.
She continued performing live standup comedy part-time for the next 18 months, during which time she became clearer about her future career path.
"I'm the kind of person who can't handle two important things at the same time, as this is not in my nature. As a result, I decided to concentrate on one thing-trying to become a good standup comedian," she said.
Fan has been a full-time comic since January last year, riding her bike most of the time to performance venues in Beijing's hutongs, or alleyways.
She believes there is a group of people who share her conviction that comedy can cure all misfortune.