Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025)

V. Education and Research on Human Rights
China will include human rights education in the national education curriculum, conduct human rights research, strengthen human rights training, and popularize understanding of human rights. The aim is to increase public awareness of the need to respect and protect human rights.
1. On-Campus Education
Diverse education programs on human rights will be carried out in schools of all types and at various levels.
-Strengthening human rights education during primary and secondary education. China will include human rights issues, such as cherishing life, pursuing equality, protecting privacy, and safeguarding the rights and interests of minors, in courses for primary and secondary education. In spreading such information, primary and secondary schools will adopt new teaching methods and innovative approaches to engage the students.
-Encouraging general education and training professionals on human rights during higher education. China will continue to encourage higher institutions to offer professional courses and general education on human rights, and compile relevant textbooks. China will improve the structure of disciplinary subjects on human rights, and set up training centers for human rights teachers in normal universities on a trial basis.
-Supporting the establishment of national human rights education and training bases. Three more bases will be added to the list, and pilot programs will be carried out to develop such bases into international education centers for human rights.
2. Specialized Research
Efforts will be made to improve human rights research based on China's own experience and publish more and better research findings.
-Conducting human rights research. More support will be provided to higher institutions and research institutes for research on human rights theories, institutions and policies and for theoretical studies on human rights based on practical experience in China and elsewhere. China will continue to regularly publish the blue papers-Report on the Development of Human Rights in China.
-Establishing human rights institutions. The country will support the establishment of national human rights institutions within the systems of the academies of social sciences and the Party schools (academies of governance). Three new national research bases for human rights will be launched.
-Supporting human rights publications. China will lend greater support to human rights journals and encourage human rights researchers to publish more high-quality academic papers. Government programs, including the National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC), will increase funding for the research on human rights theories and policies. Support will be provided for publishing monographs and essay collections on human rights research and for awarding outstanding research achievements.
-Organizing human rights forums. China will encourage efforts to organize diverse forums on human rights theories and policies to facilitate extensive academic exchanges in China and abroad.
3. Workplace Training
Human rights training will be organized in government departments, public institutions, and enterprises, to develop a workplace culture that respects and protects human rights.
-Intensifying human rights training for civil servants. Human rights training will be made a key component of civil service entry exams, orientation training, and pre-promotion training, and will be integrated into annual on-the-job training based on actual needs. China will prioritize human rights in legal education for state functionaries, compile and publish textbooks on human rights training, and explore ways to select outstanding agencies for human rights training.
-Providing human rights training for employees of public institutions and enterprises. China will encourage public institutions and enterprises to establish permanent mechanisms for human rights training, provide training on human rights issues to human resources staff, and create a workplace culture that respects and protects human rights. It will also strengthen human rights training in Chinese enterprises operating overseas, and explore ways to select model enterprises for human rights training.
4. Promotional Activities for the General Public
Diverse promotional activities will be carried out to foster a social atmosphere that respects and protects human rights.
-Spreading human rights awareness through diverse means. Themed exhibitions, lectures and other events will be organized at cultural venues such as museums, science and technology centers, libraries, and cultural centers. Newspaper, magazine, TV, radio, the Internet and other new media coverage will be applied to popularize awareness of human rights. The state supports websites including in presenting human rights developments in China, and publishing relevant documents and data.
-Improving news release on human rights. China will hold more press conferences, briefings and press receptions on its human rights progress as well as international human rights flashpoints. It will publish more white papers and reports on human rights to release authoritative information in a timely manner. It will also publicize useful cases on judicial protection of human rights.