Familiar objects inspire curiosity at Yngve Holen's Beijing solo

A biomimetic object is one that emulates the movements or appearance of something in nature while an anthropomorphic object exhibits feelings like those of a human being.
The artist's Beijing exhibit is not short of biomimetic objects.
In Heart, the newest iteration of the artist's works on car headlights, a car headlight is adhered vertically to the wall, evoking the shape of a human heart. In the artist's past work, Hater's Headlight, a pair of car headlights are closely placed with each other horizontally on the wall, reminiscent of a hostile glare.
As for the sculpture FOD, whose shape has bewildered many, is a cow's half carcass the artist found at a Hamburg slaughterhouse. He 3D-scanned the carcass and then made the body with foam and then enveloped it with black carbon fiber, a light and stable material commonly used in making automobile components.