Croatian expert: CPC's governance brings light to the world

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee was convened from Nov 8 to 11. Endeavors of the Communist Party of China in the past 100 years have been reviewed at the meeting.
The CPC's policies and governance have bought far-fetching impact for China and the world, said Jasna Plevnik, president of the Geoeconomic Forum Croatia.
Plevnik mentioned the CPC is dedicated to China's development and Chinese people's well-being, which has been recognized by the world.
Plevnik pointed out that some Western countries disagrees with China and the CPC on many fronts possibly because they need a deeper knowledge of the Chinese civilization.
According to Plevnik, the Party's message to the world is not ideological. Instead, the CPC would like all civilizations can work together, sharing and learning from each other for a better future.
Additionally, Plevnik mentioned China's proposals, the Belt and Road Initiative and the community with a shared future for mankind, can help improve the world order, making the world fairer and more peaceful.