Students find life easier this winter break

Ongoing regulation
Education authorities reiterated their stance ahead of the winter break to ensure that the new policy is strictly followed.
The Ministry of Education has asked local authorities to conduct around-the-clock inspections of illegal academic tutoring.
Those who violate the regulation will be included on a blacklist, the ministry said, adding that offenders' names will be made public and they will "face widespread restrictions".
Channels should be kept open for tipoffs from local lawmakers, political advisers, the media and the public, the ministry added.
Tutoring company Xueersi, which is based in Beijing, has been ordered to suspend courses after it organized academic tutoring for high school students during the winter break, according to a recent notice from the double reduction work group office in the city's Xicheng district.
The office announced the order after receiving complaints from the public. It found that Xueersi had seriously violated government guidelines aimed at reducing excessive academic workloads. The company has been told to rectify its behavior within a set time.
All companies must follow the guideline and not conduct any form of online or offline tutoring during the stated holiday periods, the office said, adding that it will strengthen regulation and hold violators accountable.