It's snow time on Guizhou's slopes

"All of it is to ensure visitors can quickly recharge their batteries and have a nice stay," Dai says.
Meihuashan and Yushe ski resorts received 18,640 traveler visits during the New Year's Day holiday from January 1 to 3, up 21.5 percent over the same period last year. The improvements at the two resorts are part of Liupanshui's efforts to answer the call of the Winter Olympics. The city has invited local primary and middle school students to experience skiing for free. More than 6,000 students and faculty members have gone through some sort of basic winter sports training. To date, local authorities have arranged for more than 40,000 people to engage in winter sports.
In mid-January, the city hosted winter sports at the 11th Guizhou provincial games. It was the first time Guizhou staged such a competition, where more than 170 athletes from across the province participated in three major categories: cross-country skiing, roller skating and curling.
Liupanshui has tapped local winter tourism resources since 2017. The city has developed three natural ski resorts and 21 snowfields, with a total area of 630,000 square meters, according to Chen Tingting, the city's vice-mayor.
"Ski tourism is becoming a splendid namecard for Liupanshui," Chen says.