Leaving no stone unturned

Volunteers' selfless service ensures Beijing Games run without a hitch

The 9,000-plus volunteers at the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games have played a vital role in ensuring all aspects of life for the athletes, both on and off the field of play, have gone smoothly.
To meet the diverse needs of the para athletes and all participants, the volunteers underwent a rigorous training program to ensure the services they provided in the closed loop were comprehensive.
They included training for basic medical and first-aid, how to use wheelchairs, and guidance on when to provide assistance and how best to communicate.
According to the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee (BOCOG), 12 of the volunteers have disabilities.
Among them is Yang Yiming who has a hearing impairment. Yang serves at the Zhangjiakou competition zone in Hebei province. The university student said he was excited when he learned about the recruitment of volunteers for Beijing 2022, but anxious about meeting the requirements.
"I told myself not to think too much and just try. My hearing impairment is something that I can't change. So what I can do is just live the best life that I can," Yang said in an interview with media on Tuesday.
"My life is not that different to anyone else's, and I don't want to be defined just as a person with disability. I want the best for myself and the same as everyone else."
Yang's effort and dedication meant he was able to successfully complete the volunteer training for Beijing 2022, and he now provides information on how to use the facilities and guidance on the layout of the Zhangjiakou competition zone.
He describes his volunteering experience at the Games as touching. "People are always very nice and friendly to me and they appreciate all the work that we volunteers do," said Yang, who is a regular volunteer in the community and in schools.
"I feel all the para athletes at the Winter Paralympics, those who've won medals and those who haven't, deserve people's respect.
"There are always highs and lows in sports, so feeling down at some point is inevitable, but they always strive and finish their races. It's inspiring. The results are not everything. What matters most are the spirit, positivity and perseverance that they show."