The importance of China's dynamic clearing policy

Editor’s Note: Some countries choose to co-exist with the novel coronavirus, while China will continue to stick to its tried and proven dynamic clearing policy, as that remains the best way to save people's lives for the time being.

What is dynamic clearing?
Dynamic clearing policy means stamping out an outbreak whenever it occurs and doing so in a relatively short time frame so it won't lead to community spread. It does not mean the whole country has no infected cases.
Why is China sticking to the dynamic clearing policy?
1.Putting people first
China's dynamic clearing approach is characterized by its adherence to the principle of "people and life first".
The number of deaths attributable to the Omicron variant of the virus is more than those caused by the Delta variant. The WHO has rightly called the death toll "beyond tragic".
Even though the mortality rate of the Omicron variant is lower than that of the Delta variant, the Omicron strain is more contagious. This means a larger base of infections if its transmission is not curbed, and overall deaths will be more than those caused by the Delta variant, particularly among the elderly who have not been vaccinated.
With the largest senior population in the world and a sizable number of people with chronic underlying diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, China's public health system would face unbearable pressure from a nationwide outbreak of the virus.
China is making the most of what it has and its institutional strengths to save people's lives, guarantee their livelihoods and keep the country on its charted course.