BRICS urged to uphold solidarity

President calls on member countries to safeguard peace, promote stability
President Xi Jinping has urged the BRICS countries to support one another on issues concerning their core interests, practice true multilateralism, and work together to safeguard justice, fairness and solidarity and reject hegemony, bullying and division.
Xi made the remark while chairing the 14th BRICS Summit via video link in Beijing. BRICS, which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, represents the world's emerging markets and major developing countries.
Saying that the world today is overshadowed by the dark clouds of Cold War mentality and power politics and beset by constantly emerging traditional and nontraditional security threats, Xi called on the BRICS countries to uphold solidarity and safeguard world peace and tranquillity.
"Some countries attempt to expand military alliances to seek absolute security, stoke bloc-based confrontation by coercing other countries into picking sides, and pursue unilateral dominance at the expense of others' rights and interests. If such dangerous trends are allowed to continue, the world will witness even more turbulence and insecurity," he said.
Xi said that BRICS countries need to act with a sense of responsibility to bring positive, stabilizing and constructive strength to the world.
He underlined the need to reject Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, oppose unilateral sanctions and abuse of sanctions, and reject hegemony's small circles by forming one big family belonging to a community with a shared future for mankind.
China is willing to work with BRICS partners to operationalize the Global Security Initiative, which advocates a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and bring more stability and positive energy to the world, Xi said.
Noting that the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine crisis has resulted in disruptions to global industrial and supply chains, sustained increases in commodity prices and weaker international monetary and financial systems, Xi underlined the need for the BRICS countries to strengthen cooperation to boost development and jointly tackle risks and challenges.
He called for enhancing international cooperation on the COVID-19 response, pooling strength for economic recovery, stepping up macro policy coordination and keeping industrial and supply chains secure and unclogged.
China stands ready to work with BRICS partners to add more substance to the Global Development Initiative, which aims to re-energize the implementation of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and contribute to stronger, greener and healthier global development, Xi said.
He criticized some countries that seek to create monopolies, blockades and barriers in science and technology in order to disrupt others' innovation and development and hold on to their dominant position, saying their attempts are doomed to fail.