A better understanding

"I have great respect for his ambition and selfless efforts, such as arranging volunteers and raising funds, in making better education possible for children of migrant workers in Shanghai," Lu says, adding that he was impressed with how Zhang continued his cause after graduation by helping to establish long-term education programs for such underprivileged children.
The factors all played a part in motivating him to make the decision of coming back.
"I realized that one's life shouldn't just be about fighting for success and fame, but making some contribution to the country and people," he says. "Even if you're abroad, you feel it's your country having your back. Without its prosperity, there's no chance of your happy life."
Lu submitted his application to the Party branch at Tsinghua University in March 2019 and officially became a Party member earlier this month. During the process, he learned more about Party guidelines and policies, which he says has helped him to settle on new directions in academic studies. He has also realized the responsibility of his post, offering guidance to his students.
Huang Naixin, a student of Tsinghua University, has been impressed by Lu's deconstruction of abstract and complex economic issues.