Second hand markets flourish all across China

This is echoed by Huang Bilian, the store manager of deja vu's Beijing outlet.
"A large majority of visitors to the store are our online platform users. They are mainly young people who are willing to follow trends and explore new ways of life," Huang said.
Huang said the reason deja vu opened physical stores is because "we hope more people will be willing to get involved in the online recycling of second hand goods when they know how the used goods look like after being recycled."
Early last year, deja vu opened its first recycle store in Shanghai. Located on Anfu road, a locale frequently visited by young people, the store has become a popular photo spot with nearly 10,000 visitors a week.
"Through second hand books trade, you can buy a book that someone else does not need for the time being. Once you finish reading, it can still be resold again. The book is circulated in this way and nothing is wasted during the process," Huang said.