Experts: US far from being a model for democracy

The midterm elections in the United States on Tuesday have been reduced to being a charade thanks to bipartisan wrestling. It also ridicules the US move to play a global moral cop while launching tirades against China's democracy.
Three experts shared their views on the two countries' democracy models with China Daily.
Mark Pinkstone, former chief information officer of the Hong Kong government, said democracy in China means the power of the people while in the US it is a chaotic power game played by a club of rich people.
Pinkstone pointed out that the US administration raises morality issues elsewhere while its own people are plagued by drug abuse and mass shooting problems.
Mario Cavolo, a senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization, said that in his 24-year stay in China he has noticed how the country cares about its people's well-being and voice, and that US democracy is not as bright as it claims to be.
Jasna Plevnik, president of the Geoeconomic Forum Croatia, said it is essentially anti-democratic of the US to form cliques against China while China has never indulged in creating groupings leading to confrontations. According to Plevnik, the anti-China "democracy" campaign will lead to nowhere but only damage regional and global stability.