Forum spotlights Suzhou garden protection, promotion

The Masters’ Gardens of Suzhou for Everyone, Everywhere – an event hosted by Suzhou Administrative Bureau of Garden and Landscaping - was held on April 13 at the Phoenix Center in Beijing to promote Suzhou gardens with a themed photography exhibit and forum, where experts shared insights on the protection and promotion of Suzhou gardens.
In Mandarin, dajia can refer to both “master” and “everyone”. “The masters” in the theme refer to Suzhou garden owners who were historically high officials, business tycoons and artists. They also refer to the ingenious craftsmen who designed and built those gardens and the literati who penned and painted about them, said Cao Guangshu, director of the bureau.
After generations of inheritance and protection, Suzhou gardens are now no longer private residences but are open to the public, belonging to dajia, everyone in the world, he added.