Young legal eagles struggle to soar

Also conducting research in another, bigger law firm, the scriptwriter recalls that she found most interns were willing to endure the stress and overcome hardship, as they all pursue the same goal of "defending justice and maintaining fairness".
"This really touches me. I have discovered that the majority of legal interns are a group of people who have ideals. It is the pursuit of their dreams that helps them survive the most difficult period of their internship," she says.
The drama, which had been in preparation for more than two years, began its 120-day shoot in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province, in May last year.
According to the producer, Cai Wenjing, the local settings, ranging from a bustling port to cramped alleys, perfectly capture the down-to-earth liveliness depicted in the script.
"Most of the popular legal dramas in the past centered around established or highly successful lawyers. We wanted to approach the topic from a new perspective, so, during our initial rounds of character and plotline discussions, we decided to focus on the experiences of legal newcomers," Cai recalls.