A fruitful exchange set to blossom further

Editor's note: We have asked expats living in China to share their stories about the cities they work and live in. Chris Lipscombe is from New Zealand and serves as the president of the New Zealand China Friendship Society. He was formerly president of the Wellington Xiamen Association.
Last year, Wellington in New Zealand and Xiamen of China's Fujian province celebrated the 35th anniversary of their relationship as sister cities.
Theater, arts and music exchanges made possible by this sister city relationship have enriched the cultural environment of both cities. There are strong educational and research links between our schools and universities. New opportunities are opening up for online commerce. As both cities emerge from restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wellington and Xiamen are renewing their friendship and exploring new possibilities together.
Ever since the signing of the sister city agreement between Wellington and Xiamen in 1987, people-to-people connections have been central to the success of bilateral relations. Events, exchanges and projects have been planned and implemented by members of Wellington Xiamen Association (WXA), supported by Wellington City Council and run by volunteers.