Reaching out through theater

"Coming to Beijing to finally perform on such a beautiful stage was like a dream come true," she says.
Swierc says, "Everybody we've worked with, especially on the Chinese Mermaid team, is so accommodating and welcoming.
"Regardless of any prejudice you have against this country, or any prior stereotypes embedded in your mind, it's just an amazing culture and I'm so lucky to explore it."
She adds, "This experience has really changed my life. Not only exploring a culture so different from my own, but also being able to embody the character of Cai Ping."
Swierc will start at Duke University this fall. She says she is interested in coming back to China as part of Duke's exchange program at its campus in Kunshan, Jiangsu province.
"I feel I will carry Cai Ping and the experience of playing her with me into a professional role in the future that embodies the foreign language, cultural immersion style," Swierc says.
Many other cast members also say the experience is etched into their memories, and that they plan to continue to learn Chinese.
Feng says the experience could create lifelong ties between the US teens and China.
"For some of them, this experience may become a factor influencing future career choices, and their perception of China and Chinese culture may also have changed because of it," she says.