A fantastic journey

Young pianist Wang Zitong embarks on her first national tour, performing her carefully curated recital Fantasy Pentaprism, Cheng Yuezhu reports.
With a recital titled Fantasy Pentaprism, young pianist Wang Zitong curates five works that form a distinct emotional journey, while striving to present the pieces with authenticity and integrity.
This June marked Wang's first China tour, and she graced the stage at the Beijing Concert Hall, along with three other major cities of Shanghai, Guangdong province's Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
At the recitals, audience members were treated to a wide array of styles and techniques, as Wang played pieces written by five composers spanning different eras.
"A pentaprism, as you may know, is a five-sided reflecting prism that can transmit an image without inverting it. In relation to the recital, the five sides represent the five pieces and the prism is like the performer striving to convey the composers' intentions," she says.