Japan threatens planet with radioactive water

Other countries' loss irretrievable

By deciding to release the radioactive water into the sea, Japan has shirked global responsibility, which will not only contaminate the oceans but also deal a serious blow to its fishing industry. The Japanese government has taken advantage of the loopholes in international law to dump the radioactive water into the sea and thus harm the marine environment and ecology, and human health.
It's time the international community came together to prevent Japan from going ahead with its deadly plan of releasing the radioactive water from the Fukushima plant over the next 30 years.
True, the Japanese government has pledge to pay compensation to the domestic seafood industry for any loss they might suffer, but it can't solve the survival problem of industry in the long run. Besides, it will never be able to compensate other countries and their peoples for the loss they would suffer.
Jin Yongming, a professor of maritime laws at Ocean University of China.