Cruising to new heights

Strong wave of recovery recorded in the wake of growing passenger volume, He Qi reports in Shanghai.
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Shanghai is looking to bolster the development of its cruise industry and become a world-class hub by 2035.
According to a forecast by the Cruise Lines International Association, passenger traffic next year is likely to exceed 2019 levels. The association also predicts that global cruise passenger volume will surpass pre-pandemic levels and hit 31.5 million this year, Xinhua reported.
Shanghai is now aiming to receive 3 million cruise passengers annually by 2025, according to the newly released Shanghai Action Plan for Promoting the High-quality Development of the International Cruise Economy (2023-25).
Since the Ministry of Transport unveiled a plan for the resumption of international cruises in March, Shanghai has played a leading role in the national drive to aid the recovery of the sector.
"Since resumption, the cruise economy has sped up recovery and shown a strong momentum of growth," said Zhu Min, director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, during a news conference on Aug 18.