Literature festival set for new chapter

As a part of the 2023 Beijing Culture Forum's supplementary activities, the eighth edition of the Beijing October Literature Festival recently kicked off.
Esteemed writers such as Wang Meng and Mo Yan will engage in discussions on literature with readers across various literary forums and events.
Throughout the festival, bookstores, museums and local communities will host a series of literature-related activities.
There will also be opportunities for authors to gather material for their literary works, all contributing to the fostering of a widespread reading culture.
Furthermore, on Wednesday, a dialogue between overseas translators and Chinese writers will take place. Participants will delve into discussions on how to advance contemporary Chinese literature through translation and cross-cultural exchange.

On Saturday, a forum will be held for representatives from three different generations — individuals born in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, including writers, critics and media figures to explore the theme of "Literary Life in the Digital Age". They will discuss topics such as survival and life in the internet era, as well as the transformative power of literary expression.
To conclude this literary festival, a closing event will take the form of a symphony concert. The Beijing Symphony Orchestra will perform at the National Cultural Palace, featuring background music of film and television productions that are adapted from literary classics.