Behind Tianjin diver's instant fame is a true hero

A group of fearless seniors in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin has recently captured the curiosity and attention of the public with their unique approach to diving. Su Changhai, a 73-year-old man, is one of them.
Su has gained fame for his diving skills, earning him the title of 'Old Scythe' among internet enthusiasts. However, diving is just a small part of his life. This spirited elder exudes a carefree attitude, walking with a brisk step and speaking with unwavering passion. Despite his advanced age, he can still perform somersaults and splits with ease.
Beyond his physical prowess, Su Changhai possesses a unique life philosophy. In his eyes, life is simple, with happiness as its core. His vitality and zest for life serve as a testament to the belief that joy can be found in the everyday.
Watch the video to see more.