Wine o' clock: Fast-paced Italian vibes with Shenzhen

Alessandro Mugnano bought 14th floor of an office building in Shenzhen as the venue for his company that imports Italian wine to China.
It's not because the number 14 carries any significance to him, nor for the aerial view, but because the elevator goes to the 14th floor nonstop.
For the businessman who values efficiency more than anything, Shenzhen, a city known for its rapidity, is a perfect match, according to Mugnano.
What the company has achieved in Shenzhen for the past 12 years would have been done for double the time in Italy, he added.
The Travels of Marco Polo, Mugnano said, inspired how the company tells Italian wine stories to the Chinese market.
This is the third episode of Marco Polos in the 21st Century, a video series telling the stories of three Italian who have re-discovered the modern China.
Watch the video to see more.