Books will help boost children's English

To cater to the need of learning English as a way of expanding horizons and fostering global perspectives among young readers, Dogwood publishing, under the New Oriental Education and Technology Group, introduced an authorized version of The Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention by Heinemann Publishing into the Chinese market earlier this year.
During a discussion about the country's early English-learning program held in Shanghai in late November, the book was introduced and a storytelling contest, in English, was held.
The contest was under the theme of "kids connected with the world", echoing a countrywide discussion on the function of learning English after the role the language plays in K-12 examinations through to higher education has been undermined in recent years.
Parental interest in having their children learn English, especially as a practically usable tool in future international communications, hasn't reduced too much, the guests to the events said.

Liu Gejun, in charge of Dogwood's children's books section, said the Heinemann books targeted "struggling readers" in the English-speaking countries, and thus makes them useful for Chinese English-learners.
Edited by senior educators and researchers Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, the Leveled Literacy Intervention system is comprised of very thin storybooks (with pages ranging from 12 to 30) with cute illustrations or photos designated for the series.
It covers 60 percent of fictional stories and 40 percent of nonfiction topics.
Wang Jun, from the New Oriental's teachers' development center, said: "Nonfictional reading especially means much for children who eye globally."
"To prepare the young readers to connect with the world in their future, Dogwood enriches the LLI book in Chinese market with videos of foreign teachers and develops online applications to interact with the readers," Wang added.