Close up on cloisonne

Although the process has been simplified, it is still not easy for people trying cloisonne for the first time to succeed.
Chang Yunqi has been making cloisonne art at Handcraft Addicted for about five years.
When she and her classmates were looking for a place to celebrate their high school graduation in 2019, they checked online to look for somewhere fun. As none of them wanted to go to a restaurant or a karaoke bar, hoping to find something new to do, they chose to try Handcraft Addicted.
"I was curious about cloisonne, which is a very complicated, professional technique. I didn't know what to expect at the workshop until I saw different paintings made using the cloisonne technique," Chang says. She has since become one of the workshop's many fans.
Chang learned oil painting as a child and for her first try, chose to re-create The Birthday, a painting by French artist Marc Chagall.