Experts discuss new quality productive forces at Beijing seminar

During a seminar in Beijing, experts emphasized that the emergence of new quality productive forces will play a crucial role in driving further socio-economic development in China.
The seminar, which also marked the launch of a new book titled New Quality Productive Forces, was organized by the school of economics at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, the Political Economics Research Center Featured with Chinese Characteristics, and China Social Sciences Press. Attendees included experts from various top-level universities and institutes.
New quality productive forces refer to advanced productivity freed from traditional economic growth patterns and paths of productive development, under the guidance of innovation. The concept sparked heated discussions during this year's two sessions.

Written by Gai Kaicheng and Han Wenlong, both economics professors at SWUFE in Chengdu, Sichuan province, the book provides a comprehensive study of the concept of new quality productive forces, including its significance, history, detailed connotations and application.
Li Xuesong, director of the Institute of Quantitative and Technological Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says China has great potential to develop new quality productive forces.
He hopes the country will formulate a series of policies centered around deepening reforms, expanding opening up, and striving for innovation to unleash the enormous potential and transform it into driving force for development.