Female pilot's pursuit of skyward excellence

Meet Lin Tong, a co-pilot aboard the Airbus A350 for Air China, as she shares her captivating journey through the skies in this video.
Born into the post-1995 generation, Lin was swiftly drawn to the exhilarating realm of aviation upon graduating in 2017. From her inaugural flight experience to her current position, Lin's unwavering dedication and fervor for flying shine brightly.
Inspired by seasoned female pilots, Lin aspires to ascend to the rank of an exceptional female captain, adeptly balancing professionalism with personal aspirations.
Lin also imparts invaluable advice, urging fellow aviators to embrace courage and uphold physical fitness. "If you harbor a dream of flight, I encourage you to ardently pursue it," she said.
As this year's Youth Day approaches, the 'Life is' column of the China Daily website will spotlight a group of young individuals pursuing their dreams in their roaring twenties.
Click on the video to delve deeper into Lin’s remarkable journey.