A date with old quarries-turned-ecological park in Weihai

Adorned by more than 30 pits-turned lakes, the vast mountainous area is densely covered by around 12.3 million trees planted since 2003. The wide expanse of greenery and water is punctuated by lofty ancient-style architectural complexes, giving tourists a historical feel.
According to Zou Chunde, assistant general manager of Huaxia Group, the Longshan Mountain, where Huaxiacheng is located, was ravaged by 44 quarries late last century. Residents were so troubled by dust and noise pollution and the risk of landslides that many fled.
The devastated mountain pained Xia Chunting, chairman of the conglomerate Huaxia Group, a native of the region.
The entrepreneur, who made a fortune from his concrete business and served as a deputy to the National People's Congress from 2003 to 2013, wrote to the Weihai government several times calling for an end to quarrying in the Longshan Mountain and a start to ecological restoration.