Highlights of news conference on 3rd plenary session

China to focus on talent cultivation
China will focus on strengthening targeted talent cultivation and scientific and technological innovation in higher education to provide strong support for establishing a major global center for talent and innovation, Education Minister Huai Jinpeng said on Friday.
China to enhance integration of planning, systematic layout of reforms
China will introduce a series of measures to better coordinate economic reforms between the macro and micro levels, said an official on Friday.
China to deepen reforms and promote its path to modernization by rule of law
While upholding the principle of the people running the country, China will also deepen reforms and promote its path to modernization by rule of law, Shen Chunyao, an official from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said on Friday.
China to bring legislation in sync with its modernization drive
China will advance its path to modernization by deepening reforms in legislation, with greater efforts in formulating and revising some major legislative items, Shen Chunyao, an official from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said on Friday.
Promotion of the property sector development is a key focus
As the deepening of reform practices continues, China aims to drive the transition from its traditional growth drivers to new growth drivers, providing robust support for high-quality development, a senior official said on Friday.
China to foster stable development of the real estate market
China will foster the stable and sound development of the real estate market while accelerating the growth of emerging industries and expanding domestic demand. This is with the aim of facilitating the transition from old to new development drivers, and provide diverse support for high-quality growth, a senior economic official said on Friday.
China to shift focus from access to quality of education
China will increase the supply of high-quality educational resources, including optimizing the regional allocation to meet changes in school-age population, Education Minister Huai Jinpeng said in Beijing on Friday.
China to stick to reform and opening-up
The increasing uncertainties in the outside world will not affect China's determination and confidence in deepening reform and expanding opening-up, said Mu Hong, vice-chairman of the 14th CPPCC National Committee and deputy director of the Office of the Central Commission for Deepening Reform.
Developing whole-process people's democracy is intrinsic requirement of Chinese modernization